Deadline for Abstract SubmissionJune 30th, 2017
Notification of Abstract AcceptanceAugust 1st, 2017
Deadline for Pre-registrationSeptember 30th, 2017
more- KoreAnesthesia 2017 연수평점 승인 완료[2017-12-07]
- Poster 발표번호 및 시간[2017-10-18]
- KoreAnesthesia 2017 KSA-CME points[2017-10-17]
- During KoreAnesthesia2017, shuttle buses[2017-10-13]

Since its establishment in 1956, the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists has grown to become one of South Korea's pivotal academic organizations, with more than 5200 full-time members ...
Won Hyung Lee, Chairman
The 94th session of the KoreAnesthesia International Conference will be hosted from November 2 to November 4 at The-K Hotel in Seoul. Under the theme, "Beyond Perioperative Safety and ...
Il-Ok Lee, President